Hello, Orchestra Students & Families!
Message from the Director
Good afternoon, orchestra families!
It is with great pride that I announce two additional accolades for our orchestra program! First, on Friday April 12th our ENTIRE program (not just Premiere!) was awarded the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra's "Orchestra in the Wings" distinction! This is for outstanding orchestra programs which demonstrate not only artistic excellence but community outreach and enrichment. Thank you to all our students and parents who support this program as we push to reach new artistic heights and enrich our community with our artistic talents!
In addition, Premiere Orchestra participated in State Music Performance Assessment on Monday, April 15th, and earned straight Superior ratings! I am so proud of them for their incredible dedication and performances, and thankful to our chaperones who make our trip possible!
Our final concert of the year will be FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH AT 7PM. We hope to see you and your family there!
Sincerely- Ms. Raine Hollingsworth
Spring Concert and Senior Farewell!
SENIORS SENIORS SENIORS- Parents, we need your help!
BASS STUDENTS- Saturday, April 20th
OBLIGATIONS- Remaining Payments
Remaining Dates for the 23-24 School Year
Summer Camps!