Good afternoon, orchestra families!
I hope this email finds you and your family well as we approach the midpoint of the third quarter! We have some important dates coming up, and also some accolades to share from the orchestra department! Please read on to stay informed, and let me know if you have any questions :)
Congratulations to students who participated in Solo & Ensemble!
This past Saturday, some of our students participated in District Solo & Ensemble at Timber Creek High School; please congratulate the following students who received a Superior or Superior with Distinction rating!Nicholas Shikano, Superior with Distinction Issel Arismendi, Superior Olivia Starkey, Superior Haven McClean, Superior William McNarney, Superior Jasmine Lewis, Superior Dora Chen, Superior with Distinction Kerline Derismond, Superior Sophia Anderson, Superior with Distinction Carson Nordmann, Superior Dublin Steding, Superior Sofia Brandt & Jayden Manganelli, Superior Kerline Derismond & Merline Hercule, Superior Matias Juarez, Kyle Ramdhanie, & Robinson Rosario, Superior
Our third concert of the season will be on Thursday, February 23rd at 7pm in our beautiful Performing Arts Center on south campus! We highly encourage all family members, friends, and community members to come out at support the arts by attending our concert! This concert is not only free and open to the public, but an opportunity to watch your students learn and progress as they prepare for District Music Performance Assessment.
Speaking of Music Performance Assessment (MPA), we have our performance dates! Sinfonia (5th period) and Philharmonia (2nd period) will be attending on Tuesday, March 7th between 1pm and 5pm. Chamber (4th period) and Premiere (3rd period) will be performing on Wednesday, March 8th between 1pm and 5pm. MPA will be at East River High School this year. A more detailed itinerary will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date!
Would you like to see the performances? We need chaperones! Please consider chaperoning so we can attend, as this is an OCPS field trip and we will need a minimum number of parent chaperones in order to attend!
Application for ADDitions (Volunteering/Chaperoning) Thank you for your interest in volunteering and/or chaperoning for field trips! Please fill out the questionnaire below and I will be in touch!
Thank you for reading! As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Raine Allen
Director of Orchestras, Dr. Phillips High School
Conductor, Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras
407-355-3200 ext. 6052667
Book time to meet with me